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Feels Like Home, By Marion Parsons

I remember when I was setting up my first post-collage apartment, I started googling how to repaint secondhand furniture since I didn’t have any kind of budget for new furniture. I stumbled upon Marion Parson’s line of paint, called Miss Mustard Seed Milk Paint, a company she has since sold. I continued to see her products in stores and online, and I regularly read her blog posts. Eventually I became her email subscriber. In fact, I still read every one of the emails she sends out. So when she announced that she was writing a book, I purchased it during the pre-launch promo stage.

While I have inherited several pieces of furniture from various decades by now, I would say I have a more transitional style and I fully acknowledge that my style is different from Marion’s. However, the concept of Feels Like Home is how to make your home feel like your own space, regardless of your style tastes.

In the introduction, Marion spells out “How to use this book”, which are, essentially, her goals for the readers of the book. It includes instruction, inspiration, motivation and encouragement. I would affirm that she accomplishes all of these goals throughout the book, but what it boils down to for me is relatable-ness. As an avid reader of her blog, and now having read her book, Marion Parson’s approach and presence is just so relatable to me. That’s why I keep coming back to her writings again and again.

Furthermore, I appreciate Marion’s willingness to pull back the curtain on her process. As someone who is now into the rehab and decorating of a second house, I regularly feel absolutely overwhelmed by the amount of mess, hard work and time that does into even simple home projects. I often just want it all to be finished…. yesterday!

When we purchased our current house which named Withy Holm, I knew the biggest thing I wanted to add was character; personality in the house to make it feel like our home. Marion’s book continues to provide me with guidance on how to go about doing just that. Even if you have a “finished” homes (I mean, are they ever fully finished?) Feels Like Home is a beautiful resource book that supports creative home dwellers in projects small and large.